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Robert Valette, Organostest.
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All the elements of measurements and comparisons do not constitute a health check which is a concept reserved for doctors but a probable energetic vision of the field which can prevent the appearance of diseases or explain and even treat energy imbalances which bother a person.

The Organotest is an oscillating electronic system which, by emitting electromagnetic waves, will cause resonance  of  cells, tissues and organs of the body in relation to the frequency emitted. The popularization of the  principle is that  of a tuning fork, which, when excited, will only resonate the tuning fork of the same frequency. It is said that there is tuning between the two tuning forks. For the body we will talk about  bio-résonance. This is the basic operating principle of the Organotest.

Different researches show that any biological system generates energy and information to maintain the stability and coherence of its structure (homeostasis: set of physiological processes allowing the balance of the internal environment of the organism to be maintained in order to allow its proper functioning. functioning).

The nonlinear analysis system (NLS) from whichthe Organotestmakes it possible to measure, analyze and interpret the characteristics of the energy and information generated by the organism to maintain its stability, once solicited by electromagnetic waves.


​The Organotest allows the analysis of more than 350 organ plates, organ sections and tissues, as well as several -136bad5cf58d_ secondary targets down to DNA. Once the boards have been selected automatically, the device sends, via the transmitter which is a helmet comprising currentless electrodes, the electromagnetic information which will enter into resonance with the signals specific to each organ of the patient. The particular signal of each organ is thus received, processed, compared with the database  of the device and analyzed. The result of this work then appears on the screen of the operator in the form of a pictorial representation of the organs, color symbols, curves therapies.

This system does not require the application of large amounts of energy, but only the emission of very weak magnetic fields. These are  not perceived by the patient on a sensory level. It is therefore not a current of excitation or inhibition that is applied to the organism, but a weak signal carrying energy information in perfect harmony with the living.

This device captures and analyzes eachwave emitted by the body and transmitted to the brain. It thus assesses the functional level of each constituent of the human body.


Any physiological process of regulation results in exchanges of information between the brain and the organ. The device sends a weak electromagnetic signal which causes the cortex to react, emitting a "reaction noise" on specific frequencies related to the nature of the tissues affected.


The device captures and analyzes this noise to deduce the entropy with the original signal. We can then compare these curves with a catalog of referential curves such as:

  • Pathomorphological terrains

  • Allergic lands

  • Probable signatures of microorganisms and parasites

  • Etc...

and understand the problem of energy dysregulation within an organ or tissue:

  • Adaptation activity of the organ.

  • Comparison and spectral similarity with pathomorphological, allergic or bacterial terrains

  • Land trend: stability or deterioration

  • Land virtualization

  • Tissue entropy analysis

  • Search for bacterial sites

  • Specific analyzes (allergen, neurotransmitter, nosodes, geopathogenic sensitivity, vitamin homeostasis, etc.)

The Organotest makes it possible to automatically go down to the level of the structures and the ultrastructure according to the degree of energy dysfunction of the tissues detected during the acquisition. This possibility makes it possible to establish complete assessments between 20 and 30 minutes according to the targets which will be analyzed automatically during the acquisition. A manual mode allows you to select particular targets but also to add precision to scanned targets by searching a specific area or by adding measurement points.

The acupuncture and iridology mode allows you to do a quick energy balance on 8 targets. Pathomorphological terrain matching research helps determine the precise area that is disharmonic.

The list of standards is impressive (78 in number) and allows signature recognition (healthy tissue, pathomorphology, allergen, bacterial soil, plant, stone, emotional, remedies, food and various products).


An analysis of biochemical homeostasis makes it possible to establish a vision of the balance of constituents in the body's fluids and  to measure it via NLS analysis.


This measurement does not in any way constitute a biological analysis comparable with a laboratory analysis because it aims to verify its probable homeostatic distribution in the different parts of the body.

All these elements of measurements and comparisons do not constitute a health check which is a concept reserved for doctors but a probable energy vision of the field which can prevent the appearance of diseases or explain and even treat energy imbalances which bother a person.

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